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PPE Needs

PPE Needs

Athletics and Schools PPE for Athletes - Henry Schein Medical

Maintain the Level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) You Need

As an athletic trainer, you're focused on health and wellness, yet before the pandemic it was unlikely that you needed to wear as much personal protective equipment (PPE) each day as some physicians and surgeons did.

According to the CDC, the virus that causes COVID-19 most commonly spreads between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet, or two arm lengths). When you consider the number of people with whom you interact closely each day, from athletes to coaches to your fellow athletic trainers, access to reliable PPE is critical.

We've asked some of your peers in the AT community to share how PPE has become part of their everyday routine as they treat and train their athletes. Watch the video below.

Henry Schein Medical Athletics & Schools, as part of our Return to Safe Play initiative, offers trusted, reliable PPE—in some cases, available in unrestricted stock, with no ordering limits (while supplies last)—so you can continue providing athletes the care and support they need, while reducing risks of the spread of infection.

Personal Protective Equipment - Henry Schein Medical
Learn more about our available Personal Protective Equipment
Return to Safe Play after COVID-19
Training Room Modifications after COVID-19
Staffing Modifications after COVID-19
Prescreening Procedures after COVID-19
Managing Infected Athletes with COVID-19
Telemedicine Options with COVID-19

For more information about ordering our sports and athletics products, contact us at:

Phone: 1-800-323-5110, 8am–7pm ET
Fax: 1-800-483-8329

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