

Outbreak Preparedness

Outbreak Preparedness

Infection Prevention and Control, Outbreak Preparedness

Raising awareness of risk factors and measures people can take to protect themselves is the only way to reduce illness. Early recognition is critical to controlling the spread of infectious diseases. Consequently, healthcare personnel should review infection control policies and procedures with strict adherence to standard and transmission-based precautions.

Henry Schein shares the latest information on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and key resources for health professionals, including guidance on infection prevention and control.

Click here to visit our Coronavirus Update page for more details.

OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

Many employers with more than 10 employees are required to keep a record of serious work-related injuries and illnesses. The Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form 300A) must be posted in workplaces from February through April, and the Final Rule to Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data to OSHA that they are already required to keep under OSHA regulations. (The content of these establishment-specific submissions depends on the size and industry of the employer.)

OSHA’s reporting requirements highlight not just the need to report work-related injuries and illnesses, but also — particularly in a medical practice — the need to reduce and eliminate risk. Below you’ll find reference materials regarding several aspects of preventing infection and injury.

OSHA & HIPAA Educational Reference Guide

Is your Healthcare Facility Prepared? Henry Schein Medical has partnered with Compliance Training Partners to provide you with the highest quality, most effective training programs available. Currently offering CME's for OSHA and HIPAA Compliance Training Programs and MORE!

Don't risk not being in compliance – the risks are too great and the penalties too steep!

SOP OSHA Standard Universal Precautions

This is the first SOP focusing on 8 key areas of OSHA Standard Precautions for infection control in the physician office / clinical setting.

Surface Disinfectants

All healthcare settings, regardless of the level of care provided, must be equipped to observe Standard Precautions, that is, the minimum infection prevention practices that apply to all patient care, regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status of the patient, in any setting where healthcare is delivered.

In addition, they should:

  • Develop and maintain infection prevention and occupational health programs.
  • Assure sufficient and appropriate supplies necessary for adherence to Standard Precautions (e.g., hand hygiene products, personal protective equipment, environmental cleaning supplies...)
  • Ensure that at least one individual with training in infection prevention is employed by or regularly available to the facility.
  • Develop written infection prevention policies and procedures appropriate for the services provided by the facility and based upon evidence-based guidelines, regulations, or standards.

Medical physician offices should be cleaned at the end of every day, unless a situation arises such as a visibly soiled surface that warrants immediate attention. General housekeeping routines involve cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, toys, and objects with a low-level disinfectant. Surfaces in the office such as in public areas, exam tables, counter tops, floors and toilets need to be cleaned immediately when they are visibly soiled.

Additional Information About Surface Disinfectants

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Working in healthcare is hazardous! Everyone staying, visiting, or working in a healthcare facility is at risk of acquiring an infection and, as a healthcare worker, you may be exposed to many different sources of contamination. Infections may be transmitted by blood, body fluids, air, respiratory secretions or by direct contact with other infectious materials. Health care-associated infections (HAIs) have become more common as medical care and patient conditions have grown in complexity. You can protect yourself by first following the infection control guidelines in your workplace, second, using personal protective equipment (PPE), and finally, treating all blood and body fluid as though they are infectious.

For more information visit:

Additional Information About Barrier Protection & OSHA Safety

Instrument Reprocessing

InControl - Instrument Reprocessing is intended to help you preserve the safety and well-being of your patients and staff while maintaining quality, care and profitability. Learn the importance of proper instrument reprocessing and the significant roll it has in an effective infection prevention and control (IPC) program, and its impact on reducing healthcare associated infections (HAIs).

Additional Information About Instrument Reprocessing

Compliant Sterility Assurance Solutions and Resources

Hand Hygiene

Our goal in publishing InControl is to support your efforts in working toward maintaining the total health of your patients and staff by providing you with the necessary tools to ensure your practice has what it needs to prevent the spread of disease. In this issue of InControl, we raise awareness of the importance of hand hygiene—the single most critical measure to avoid the transmission of disease in our communities

Additional Information About Hand Hygiene

Take a Quick Survey to Receive a FREE InControl Hand Hygiene Kit