

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Resource Center

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Resource Center

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Resource Center

COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Resources for Providers

Now that there is an authorized and recommended vaccine to prevent COVID-19 in the U.S., Henry Schein Medical is pleased to offer the following information you need to know as you participate in a COVID-19 vaccination program.

Information on Becoming a COVID-19 Vaccine Provider

Health care professionals interested in administering the COVID-19 vaccine should contact their jurisdiction's immunization program and ask about enrolling in the federal COVID-19 Vaccination Program. For more information, refer to page 21 of the CDC's COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook.

Information for Providers on Vaccinating Themselves and Their Staff

Vaccination criteria and processes vary by state. To find contact information for the health department in your state, refer to CDC's page containing links to health departments in all 50 states, 8 U.S. territories and freely associated states, and the District of Columbia.

Useful Links for COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Click a box to view links to resources and information from that source.

+ Manufacturer Resources

+ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

+ Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

+ Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)

+ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Pandemic Preparedness for Your Practice

Stock up on the supplies you need to treat your patients while reducing the risk of infection, whether it's COVID-19, flu, or another outbreak of infectious disease. Several products are available in unrestricted stock, with no ordering limits (while supplies last), and you can rely on us for product expertise, fast shipping, and helpful consultation.

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