

Savings Opportunities

Savings Opportunities


Our Online Flyer Service (Nxtbook) might be intermittently unavailable due to a platform issue on their end. This does not impact Henry Schein’s systems or operations. Nxtbook is actively working on a resolution.

Check back soon for more savings opportunities!

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Participating in a promotional discount program (e.g., points, discount redemptions or other special awards) is only permissible in accordance with discount program rules. By participation in such program, you agree that, to your knowledge, your practice complies with the program requirements. The promotions may offer a discount. You must fully and accurately report any discounts, rebates or other price reductions (“Discounts”) to Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare and any other federal or State program upon request by any such program. You must claim the benefit of these discounts in the fiscal year in which the discounts are earned, or the following year. Accordingly, you should retain any documentation, including your invoice or purchase order, of Discounts. It is your responsibility to review any agreements or other documents applicable to these prices to determine if they are subject to any Discounts.