Criterion Personal PPE

PPE is not one-size-fits-all.

Each health care professional is unique and deserves to feel protected and comfortable. Criterion offers a full selection of head-to-toe PPE that fits each individual's needs, style, and setting.

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Meet Alex
Your dental superhero and weekend improv comedian.

Alex isn’t just the friendly face in cool blue. He’s the superhero making everyone’s visit a fun experience. His sense of humor and infectious laugh melts the hearts of young and old alike.

For Alex, he struggles to find a mask that stays in place

His robust cheeks and constant smile are too much for ordinary masks. He was constantly readjusting his mask, while trying to avoid cross contamination.

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Meet Lily
The turbo charge hygienist and your eco-friendly thrifter.

Lily is just as passionate about a good thrift store find as she is about caring for her patients and coworkers. Lily is the first to arrive in the morning, always dressed in pink, and ready to greet her coworkers with a fresh pot of coffee.

Lily gets both her red hair and sensitive skin from her mother’s side.

Constant hand washing causes Lily's skin to be rough and chapped. Compounding the problem, her old gloves used to tug on her already irritated skin, adding discomfort to her daily routine.

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Meet Dr. Maya
Root Canal Specialist and '80s Enthusiast.

Dr. Maya, a vibrant root canal expert, infuses passion into everything she does. Beyond the clinic, she immerses herself in Madonna's MTV music videos and is likely to watch The Breakfast Club late at night with a bowl of cheddar cheese popcorn.

Dr. Maya
For Dr. Maya, standard jackets lack style and vital protection

Ordinary jackets lack the fluid protection she needs during her procedures. Moreover, their limited selection of colors don't align with her unique style of 80's alternative music and fashion.

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Meet Adrian
Your prophy master and office wellness coach.

Adrian, the calming force, brings serenity to the office, vital when emergency cases arise. Off-duty, Adrian teaches yoga and brings his nurturing nature into the practice. He's often heard saying, "namaste" to patients and staff.

For Adrian, standard eyewear means red marks and constant fog.

Wearing uncomfortable eyewear disrupts Adrian's concentration. He needs eyewear that is comfortable and protective while allowing him visual clarity to focus on his work and his patients.

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Meet Olivia
Your oral surgeon and trivia enthusiast.

Dr. Olivia exudes confidence in the surgical operatory, daring to wear white where others fear to tread. She is a quintessential leader of her team during procedures and in her role outside the practice as the kingpin of her Thursday night trivia team – "the Tooth Fairies!"

For Dr. Olivia, standard caps are a source of daily discomfort.

Dr. Olivia has an allergy to latex and struggles not to touch her forehead when her symptoms flare up. This is especially difficult in longer surgical appointments. Additionally, her long wavy hair can be a challenge to cover, which is essential for an oral surgeon.

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Gloves Buy/Get are shipped with order and on select gloves.

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Disclaimers: Offers valid from . Gloves Buy/Get are shipped with order.

Note: Pricing may vary after login. Exclusions may apply. Final prices may vary based on customer's pricing plan. May not be combined with any other offers. Discount and special offer(s) valid for private practice offices only. Excludes all DSOs, group practices, community health centers, federal entities, hospital based dental clinics, primary and dental assisting schools and correctional facilities. If you are a patient or consumer, please contact your local Dental Professional about purchasing any products shown on our website.