Prevention is Power

Prevention is Power

Henry Schein Cares Foundation - Prevention is Power

Resource Library

  • Harvard School of Dental Medicine Initiative
    The Initiative to Integrate Oral Health and Medicine convenes academics, students, and leaders from the business, healthcare, and public health communities to advance innovative ideas around the integration of oral health and overall health.
  • The Lancet
    A two-part Series argues that oral health has been isolated from traditional health care and health policy for too long, despite the major global public health burden of oral diseases.
  • Santa Fe Group
    The Santa Fe Group is a 501(c) (3), action-oriented think tank with a passion to improve lives through oral health. Since its inception 25 years ago, the Santa Fe Group has been instrumental as a neutral convener, communicator, connector and catalyst to move the needle on critical issues such as oral cancer, dental education reform, children’s oral health, improved primary care access, the importance of linking medical and dental health systems, and most recently, expanding oral healthcare for our nation’s seniors.
  • Improving Health in the United States: Oral Health is Key to Overall Health, Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA)
    The vital relationship between health and the economy has been recognized and studied, and countries with a healthier workforce see strong economic performance and gain. What often goes unnoticed, however, is the significant role dentists can play in improving the overall health of the population.
  • Time to Take Gum Disease Seriously: The Societal and Economic Impact of Periodontitis, The Economist
    Given the prevalence and preventable nature of periodontitis, new ways of thinking about gum health are needed to increase awareness and action at national level. This Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report aims to capture the attention of policy makers in six European countries, emphasizing the economic and societal benefits of action and inaction in the early treatment of periodontitis.
  • The Heart of the Matter: Links Between Cardiovascular Health and Oral Health
    A visual report from CareQuest Institute for Oral Health explores the relationship between cardiovascular (heart) disease and periodontal (gum) disease, which are both extremely common in the US. Individuals with gum disease have two to three times the risk of experiencing a heart attack, stroke, or a severe cardiovascular event.